搜索 曲楠

  • 热锅是中国人独创的美食,在今天成为了中国人生存中最紧张的、最不收留轻忽的美食品种。记载片《沸腾吧热锅》镜头直通中国南北各地,从人们常见的潮汕牛肉热锅、东北酸菜白肉热锅、重庆热锅、云南野生菌热锅、北京铜锅涮肉,到冷门小众的贵州牛瘪热锅、四川高县土热锅、海南糟粕醋热锅,不管是炎炎夏季、照旧数九严冬,围坐在热锅旁美食就能把人…
  • 火锅是中国人独创的美食,在今天成为了中国人生活中最重要的、最不容忽视的美食种类。纪录片《沸腾吧火锅》镜头纵贯中国南北各地,从人们常见的潮汕牛肉火锅、东北酸菜白肉火锅、重庆火锅、云南野生菌火锅、北京铜锅涮肉,到冷门小众的贵州牛瘪火锅、四川高县土火锅、海南糟粕醋火锅,无论是炎炎夏日、还是数九寒冬,围坐在火锅旁美食就能把人和…
  • A group of carpet fitters are sent on a job to an old Country house in the middle of nowhere. However they soon discover it's a trap set up by the savage, cannibalistic family, The Hannings. The carpet fitters are forced to fight for their lives or risk ending up being the evenings dinner. Unfortunately they are not qu…