搜索 苏丹舒·潘迪

  • 印度某市,所有人的手机忽然被来自天空的神秘实力囊括吸走,手机发卖财主、电信运营老板、国家电信部高官等与手机相关的许多人接踵离奇死往;城市上空,巨型变异鸟怪(阿克谢?库玛尔 饰)忽然出现,大开杀戒,向所有手机用户宣战,平易近众堕进发急……  危急时刻,科学家瓦西博士(拉吉尼坎塔 饰)在美男助理妮娜(艾米?杰克逊 饰)的援助下…
  • David Billa a refugee comes to Rameswaram in Tamil Nadu and his journey begins into crime. Initially he starts as a local diamond smuggler. He eventually meets Abbasi, an underworld don in Goa and helps him out in a deal and wins his favor. For one of Abbasi's deals Billa goes to Georgia where he meets a ruthless inter…