搜索 Ivica

  • 在他的妃耦与阴郁势力的战役中不幸牺牲后,加布里埃尔被说服从新进进他之前的恶魔猎人团队,从美国相对不为人知的地方参观到欧洲的未知深处。他与他疏远的最好的同伙迈克尔一起,他有一个阴郁的奥秘,神秘的汉娜的愿景猜测将来,和一群形形色色的恶魔杀手。在掉了他的一部分团队后,加布里埃尔必需面临他悲凉的曩昔,并决定谁是真实的同伙或仇…
  • David, now an old man, is still king of Israel. Among his sons, the ambitious Adonijah and the clever Solomon. The two young men are fierce rivals, since both are prospective heirs to the throne and only one can be successful. During a hunting expedition, Adonijah challenges his younger brother Solomon to a chariot rac…
  • This Christmas, Thunder Mountain Ski Resort is abuzz when celebrity chef Shane Roarke is named the new head chef. Clara Garrison isn't as excited and is instead focused on getting resettled after her failed attempt at opening a big city restaurant. With their paths constantly crossing, will their shared passion for coo…