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  • 八岁的朱利叶斯住在孤儿院,朱利叶斯是一个局外人,并奥秘仍然信任圣诞白叟。当他面临圣诞白叟可能只是妆扮成孤儿院的校长这一事及时,朱利叶斯不单掉了对圣诞白叟的信任,也掉了对本人的信任。但后来希罕的事情产生了,忽然朱利叶斯发明本人置身于一个神奇的世界。
  • Set in ?lesund, A Human Position is a slow-paced film that unfolds in successive tableaux, to form a complete picture of the subtle changes and events that make up one's life. It explores the persistence of memory and trauma, the definition of one's moral values, and the possibility of joy.  Asta is a journalist in ?le…
  • 转载自:movie.newyouth.beida-online.com  出色刹时:  彼特的梦中,纯白色的布景中除了一对赤裸的男女别无一物,耀眼的高光隐匿了一切杂质,营建了一个完善纯洁的精力世界,在这里彼特一切的焦炙、激情都无所遁形,社会身份的傀儡毕竟现出背后的性命来历根抵。  剧情介绍:  年轻的彼特到一家妓女表演所看中了一个妓女克拉夫特,当妓…
  • Accomplished novelist Richard Sykes struggles to come up with a concept for a new book while trying to resolve his troubled marriage to Haley. In the process, he seeks out friends and colleagues to assist him in overcoming his personal demons that may servr to make him or break him.
  • Avery Jennings (G. Hannelius) and Tyler James (Lemonade Mouth star Blake Michael) are step-siblings from Pasadena, California who hate each other but come together in the pilot episode. The family faces an even bigger adjustment when they discover that their new dog, Stan (portrayed by live-action dogs Kuma and Mick, a…
  • 这是泰国版的罗密欧与茱丽叶。剧情调集悬疑,犯法,浪漫喜剧於一身。   Rita和Aun的家族是世仇,不应相爱却偷偷相爱(可是最初没人死,不是悲剧啦)。Rita扮演的脚色个性前卫,是个从国外回来的女孩,而Aun扮演的脚色则恰恰相反,是个很是中规中矩的人。Rita会时常开他的打趣,逗他玩。   剧中悬念部分是有一堆人想要掠取Rita的财富,置她…
  • 独身贵族Jitta和有妇之夫Orachun生了一个女儿,Orachun的妃耦Mesa将婴儿偷换。  8年后,Orachun已经弃世,可是Mesa对丈夫的怨恨没有随之磨灭,Mesa在孤儿院找到丈夫的私生女Prapai,Mesa领养了Prapai。  14年后(2007年),女主角Prapai已经长大,她一向怀著感恩的心伺候养母,毫无怨言的忍受养母的吵架。  女主角的养母决心接近女主角的…
  • The Banks family, a respectable Californian family, take in meijubar.net a relative - Will Smith, a street-smart teenager from Philadelphia. The idea is to make him respectable, responsible and mature, but Will has got other plans...
  • 奥斯汀(Austin Moon)是一位有着明星梦的男孩,有着明星架势和歌喉。艾莉(Ally Dawson)是一位外向的女孩,喜好音乐创作,却怕惧舞台。在一个有时的契机下,歌手奥斯汀唱了艾莉的创作,开启了两人的合作生活生计,艾莉因此开端替奥斯汀写歌。两人合组乐团,往本人的音乐梦迈进。一起上过关斩将产生了各类趣事。当然还有他们各自的同伙翠西(Tri…
  • 会唱歌可是不会写歌的奥斯汀·穆恩(Austin Moon)预会写歌可是害怕舞台的艾丽·道森(Ally Dawson)不“打”不了解。这对儿非同一般的同伴既要适应舞台上的闪光灯,又要应对通俗的高中生存。当然还有他们各自的同伙翠西(Trish)与德兹(Dez)为其出经营策。这四个好同伙之间又会闹出什么笑话来?