搜索 Mia

  • 美国海军海豹部队在研究中心执行最高机密任务,然而科学家们陆续离奇失踪,还有其他生物伺机而动...
  • Buenos Aires: A cop is called to a bizarre crime scene so requests the assistance of an old friend who has a penchant for the paranormal. When the pair discover that a number of homes are connected to a paranormal event the old friend calls upon his fellow enthusiasts and experts to investigate…
  • 蘿西和媽媽搬到布魯塞爾的另一端,住進新的公寓大樓,認識了鄰居慕沙,一個喜歡嘻哈音樂的男孩。儘管大樓頂樓禁止進入,兩人還是常常結伴上去玩,逃避生活中的不愉快。在那裡,慕沙答應蘿西要陪她去探望正在坐牢的爸爸。媽媽早就不想再跟爸爸有任何瓜葛,蘿西一心只希望爸爸媽媽復合,再次擁有一個完整的家。有了慕沙的幫忙,她的願望真的能夠實…
  • For the first time ever, two junior Elves have to leave home after losing an entire town"s letters to Santa. While attempting to blend into small town life, they set out to retrieve every missing wish before Christmas Eve
  • 青年休·麦克艾利斯特按照未婚妻未婚妻劳瑞·苏利文的意愿,在远离喧嚣都市的僻静角落买了一座数十款长的大房子。乔迁当日,劳瑞对新房子既满意又惊奇,稍后没多久、肯尼斯等朋友驱车前来,准备为小两口开一个盛大的乔迁派对。马可他们百无聊赖,四处闲逛,结果强行进入一个无人居住的旧房子。青年男女百无禁忌,四处闲逛,根本不知自己已经惹到…
  • 新科童星AnnaSophiaRobb(主演电影BecauseofWinn-Dixie)饰演一个1904年时候的小女孩,成长为为多利亚时代的小妇人的好看故事!绝对值得一看!
  • A mysterious man, Suba, gets himself a job at a fencing academy, and as he learns the way of the students, the school, and its maestro, they learn that there's more to him than meets the eye. He gains (or regains?) his fencing skills and his philosophy of teaching clashes with the maestro's. As they are thrown into con…
  • 《奔丧》讲述了Guillaume 是一个背景清白的人,他不吸毒也没有犯罪记录.但是因为赌徒父亲欠下的巨额债务,他的生活发生了翻天覆地的变化.....
  • Lonny Smith拥有很多钱,他可能随时为了救他的爱人而死。Lonny Smith, a young man with a suitcase full of money, who might drop dead at any moment is searching for love with each dying breath even if he has to pay for it. One is an ex-assassin slave runn…
  • 一九四四年的十月,饱受法西斯迫害的波兰人民终于忍无可忍,在首都华沙举行了一次为时两个多月的反法西斯武装起义,这次斗争艰苦异常,牺牲了将近二十五万波兰战士。虽然由于叛徒的出卖,起义最终失败了,但是这次斗争使自以为是的希特勒看到了自己的末日。他们深感恐慌,在战争上更疯狂、更残忍地毁灭华沙,企图用制造恐怖来吓倒波兰人民。但是…