搜索 Vidyarthi

  • 罗密欧是个名副其实的坏小子,他打人打得狠,爱一小我爱得更狠。命运把他带到一个小村子,让他赶上了生平的挚爱。村子里有两个恶霸,统治着整个村子,罗密欧成了其中一个的手下。罗密欧这个坏小子能获取本人的朱丽叶么
  • 影戏重要偏重于穆斯林为自由而奋斗。这表明,穆斯林跟着印度教的奋斗中,否决英国殖平易近统治的解放。影戏重要偏重于穆斯林为自由而奋斗。这表明,穆斯林跟着印度教的奋斗中,否决英国殖平易近统治的解放。
  • Rama Rao (Jr. NTR) is the son of Ranjan (Mukesh Rishi) who works as an assistant to Mafia Don Saadu Bhai (Kelly Dorji) is an IPS Aspirant. However, he is rejected from police work due to his fathers connections to the criminal underworld. Meanwhile his brother Siddu (Siddarth Narayan) gets killed in a bomb blast planne…