搜索 Zschiesche

  • “血液”是一个没法无天的城市犯案团伙,他们以街头勒索和暴力恶名远扬。其中一位叫斯莱特的恶霸是他们的俊,在他看来,这个城市的地皮全权由他掌管。与此同时,这个城市中还有些坚持回尽进进帮派的公理之士,好比米奇和他的同伙。但公理的选择只能带给他们越来越边沿的生存,因为斯莱特越来越嚣张,抵牾一触即发。直到有一天,米奇的哥哥马修…
  • The "Bloods" are the most intimidating and violent gang in the city. A lawless city... where gangs rule the streets... The vicious and blood thirsty murderer Slater is their leader. The city is his domain... he rules! There are those who are not members of gangs such as Mikey and his friends. Mikey lives on t…