搜索 hoon

  • 因为车祸使得李尚俊(李政宰 饰)掉了部分的记忆。当他看着一张暴光多度的照片时,会触动了记忆的最深处。那是一张女孩子的脸,他的潜熟悉告知本人将有一段很是紧张的记忆与这名女孩有关,因此他请旧同学江咏仪(张真英 饰)帮他寻觅这段记忆。  进程傍边两人感觉本人都回到了康乐的学生时代,阿谁女孩子应当是尚俊暗恋的对象。他们一步步体…
  • Miyu went to Seoul, Korea to study and look for her older sister who went missing two years ago. One day Miyu got to know Hana who was a famous plastic surgeon and she reminded of her missing sister. Hana lives with her lover Hyoshin, but she got attracted by Miyu. And Nyoshin felt jealous of Miyu. Miyu thought that Ha…
  • 该剧布景设置在北爱尔兰,报告来自谢菲尔德的19岁主角Jamie成为一艘邮轮的船员,这名得超额事情﹑薪水低迷的主角会上船的启事是她妹妹已经是船上的事情成员但掉落了,故此他只好亲自来到船上查询拜访。
  • 艳丽的智恩(申铉彬 饰)已经拥有夸姣的生存和光亮的将来,谁知一场车祸夺往了怙恃的姓名,而她也因为这场事变没法实现学业,远离了射击角逐冠军的殊荣,甚至落下了却巴的偏差。如今的她在一家工厂打工求生,生存牢牢巴巴。可是命运历来不筹算放过她,在某个夜晚,她遭到三名暴徒的轮暴,身心备受摧残。智恩试图报警,然而掉德的差人面临这个结…
  • Darika (Namtarn) is the granddaughter of a funeral director. She is a strong hearted and independent young woman who seeks money as her main refuge. Fate just so happens to have her stumbling head over heels when she meets Prajan, a successful man of perfect background and qualities. We find ourselves here again as we …
  • Lee Ha-yeon is the wife of the heir to Ilsin Group and she has it all: a fancy penthouse, a luxury car and everything else. Lee Ha-yeon gets discovered poisoned and dead in a hotel room. Investigations take place under secrecy and out of ears from the media. But the case is mysterious. No prints of the murderer is foun…
  • World renowned journalist Sara Ogden is traversing the world in pursuit of carriers of a fatally dangerous "Stamp of Cain" in order to prevent seemingly unrelated events such as mass murders, turmoil, revolutions and chaos. She doesn't even suspect how close she is to the edge of the abyss, when in her search…
  • 忠修(李文植 饰)领受到了新的任务:援助DG集团总裁找到他昔时的初恋女友。总裁提供的唯一线索是女友身世于东百岛,因此忠修匆匆出马,不巧半路遭受暴风雨,他与在客船上结识的漫无目标寻觅灵感的青年作家(李汉奎 饰)一起被卷上了故地——麻婆岛。忠修与五位老了解重逢如获珍宝,这几位老妇也依然精力充分,惟独会长夫人最近为老年痴呆症困扰…
  • 美剧剧情
  • 该剧是报告有时拥有99亿现金的郑瑞妍和为了找出弟弟死因的实情而面临郑瑞妍的姜泰宇之间的故事。  金刚于将在剧中扮演姜泰宇,在被栽赃嫁祸分开警局之前,他是一个毫不在意身旁的事,一闻到事务的味道就冲的“疯牛”。当他分开坚信是本人的天职的差人职业后,没有停整理也没有方针,天天虚无度日,他唯一的自豪——弟弟死了,为了找出弟弟的死…