搜索 贝蒂·戴维斯

  • Reporter Curt Devlin loves sob sister Ellen Garfield but believes women are bum newspapermen. When she learns the identity of a murdered arsonist, he calls it luck. When she goes after the murderer he gets enough evidence to have Maitland Coulter arrested. She finds a bunch of not guilty ballots and publishes the wrong…
  • During a cross-country lecture tour, notoriously acerbic radio personality Sheridan Whiteside slips on the icy steps of the house of the Stanleys, a prominent Ohio family, and is forced to recuperate in their home during the Christmas holidays. The overbearing, self-centered celebrity soon comes to dominate the lives o…
  • Mystery writer Janet Frobisher lives alone in a dark English country house, when she's not philandering with her secretary's fiancée. At an extremely awkward moment, she has an unwelcome visitor George Bates, who claims to be the partner i…
  • 贝蒂·戴维丝官司败诉重回华纳,却争夺到必定局限内选角权利。此时华纳将制片重责交给新气概的赫尔·华和斯,开端“高成本、精建造”的线路。贝蒂在此情况下感应如鱼得水,很快表演了另一部再度获取金像奖最好女主角奖的代表作《红衫泪痕》:以南北战争时期美国南方为布景,描写一位个性强硬的美男在任性地掉她的男朋友今后,再想尽法子将已经…
  • 琼(贝蒂·戴维斯 Bette Davis 饰)是衔着金汤勺降生的令媛蜜斯,她的生存固然优裕,但并不康乐,因为她窘蹙一样对象,那就是自由。一次有时中,琼相逢了名为艾伦(杰克·卡森 Jack Carson 饰)的乐队批示,琼一会儿被他的风姿潇洒给吸引了,两人火速产生了关系,并且决定私奔成婚。  女儿的掉落令琼的父亲感应很是的焦急,他找来了手艺很是了…
  • 每年,伯爵夫人城市约请一个贫困的意大利家庭打牌。
  • 迪莉娅(米利亚姆·霍普金斯 Miriam Hopkins 饰)原本要和克莱姆(乔治·布伦特 George Brent 饰)携手步进婚配的殿堂,然而半路杀出了个富豪吉姆(詹姆斯·斯蒂芬森 James Stephenson 饰),迪莉娅始乱终弃,最终嫁给了吉姆。  迪莉娅的堂妹夏洛特(贝蒂·戴维斯 Bette Davis 饰)很是同情克莱姆的遭受,陪同并且不时劝慰他,不幸的是,克莱…
  • 丽丽·摩法特(贝蒂戴维斯饰)是一个女教师,她生存在一个威尔士一个以采矿业为主的小镇上,因为当地人的观念很是陈旧,在教导方面很是掉队。丽丽·摩法特不忍看到当地的孩子一代一代如许下往,感觉很是懊末路,她决心要改变这类现状。因此,她建立了一所黉舍,试图为村平易近们举行根抵的读写教导。可是,当地的头头和他的女儿不愿意看到村平易…
  • Boozy, brassy Apple Annie, a beggar with a basket of apples, is as much as part of downtown New York as old Broadway itself. Bootlegger Dave the Dude is a sucker for her apples --- he thinks they bring him luck. But Dave and girlfriend Queenie Martin need a lot more than luck when it turns out that Annie is in a jam an…
  • 本片是由约翰.霍夫导演的《逃出女巫山》的续集,是一部相配精采的神秘冒险片。描写两个具有超感才能的小兄妹,乘飞碟自女巫山来到地球渡假,不意大哥东尼让一个野心的科学家劫持而往,并且掌握了他的思惟和动作,要他前往原子弹工厂加以破损,从而勒索五百万巨款。其妹则藉心灵感应一向跟随他们的行迹。最初在危急关头,让娣亚用超感能利巴科学…