  • 高墙内免费云资源

  • 主演:梶裕贵 中村悠一 樱井孝宏 大塚明夫 诹访部顺一 名塚佳织 泽城美雪 佐仓绫音
  • 状态:完结
  • 导演:盐谷直义 本广克行
  • 类型:动画 犯罪
  • 简介:A prisoner in her own home| a captive in her own body. Assaulted and trapped with no one to hear her cries for help...and knowing no one will believe her if they do.This is the terrifying reality Alaina finds herself in when she moves in to the house her mother died in. At first she thinks it's the loss of her mother that ishaunting her| but she is soon shown it is something far more malicious and unrelenting. The spirit taunts her as it invades her body| mind| and soul| completelytrapping her. Alaina has to fight for answers on what really happened to her mother if she has any hopes of survival. She must find a way to endure this monster wholives and breathes to rob her of her sanity as it demands a savage hold on her.





视频更新时间:2021-04-08 23:50:21








剧情介绍:盐谷直义,本广克行导演执导的《高墙内》,该影片在2015年美国发行,上映至今获得了较好的口碑, 每集45分钟由梶裕贵 中村悠一 樱井孝宏 大塚明夫 诹访部顺一 名塚佳织 泽城美雪 佐仓绫音 日高法子 关智一 野岛健儿 东地宏树 伊藤静 本田贵子 花泽香菜 宫野真守 中博史 田中敦子 日笠阳子 森川智之 堀内贤雄 矢作纱友里 等主演的一部不错的英语的电视剧。

A prisoner in her own home| a captive in her own body. Assaulted and trapped with no one to hear her cries for help...and knowing no one will believe her if they do.This is the terrifying reality Alaina finds herself in when she moves in to the house her mother died in. At first she thinks it's the loss of her mother that ishaunting her| but she is soon shown it is something far more malicious and unrelenting. The spirit taunts her as it invades her body| mind| and soul| completelytrapping her. Alaina has to fight for answers on what really happened to her mother if she has any hopes of survival. She must find a way to endure this monster wholives and breathes to rob her of her sanity as it demands a savage hold on her.


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