搜索 格里高利·亚历山德罗夫

  • Due to some common interests between German and Russian aristocracy ( the Russians even had aristocrats in their past not to mention they had an Empress called Catherine the Great, as great as this German count's heiresses… ), it is not strange that this Teutonic count has understood and even enjoyed Herr S. M. Eisenst…
  • 本片为苏联电影理论家兼导演爱森斯坦的处女作,用六个章节展示了一场罢工运动的始末。 繁忙的工厂里,工人们埋头工作。布尔什维克党在地下积极组织工人罢工,但表面上仍然一片平静……工厂里的一把工具失窃,当值工人被厂主调查侮辱,气忿不过的工人回到车间,上吊自杀。工人们与厂主爆发了冲突,工人冲出工厂,打倒工头,联络…