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  • 卧病多日的关二爷将驾鹤西往,多年前备好的棺材却因风吹日晒显得很冷酸,家待遇了体面地打发二爷上路,一致決定杀猪卖钱订制上好的柏木从新造棺材,因近年滥砍乱伐柏木很难寻到,不得已,父亲(邹少春饰)偷偷砍树,不意被人发明处以罚款。家中拮据交不起高额罚款,家人只好强迫二妹(余男饰)嫁给愿垫付罚金的章锁(闫栗饰),二妹不愿做这桩人…
  • Kit is a model student who's going to receive a scholarship to study abroad. But problems arise and Olarn came to inform that Kit and 4 other students won't receive the scholarship. The only way to solve this problem is that all of them must gather to form a band to compete in place of the old school band. Kit therefor…