搜索 迈克·C·曼宁

  • A church destroyed. A congregation silenced. A relationship shattered. Yet even in life's darkest valleys, a small flame can light the way toward healing and hope. After a deadly fire rips through St. James Church, Hadleigh University leaders use the tragedy to push the congregation off campus, forcing the church to de…
  • 第二次世界大战中,按照英国盟军埃森·豪威尔将军策划的“霸王”动作,为所有同盟军争夺诺曼底登岸时候成为环节。1944年6月6日,诺曼底登岸拉开序幕。为了争取海滩制高点霍克角山脊,压制德国设防在犹他和奥马哈海岸的重型火炮及机枪火力点,并销毁敌军的主力大炮,美军陆军中校詹姆斯·厄尔·鲁德尔带领第二游马队部队“猛犬连”成为这项任务的…
  • 故事描写一群同伙凌虐林·沙烨扮演的脚色,思疑她是女巫。当林·沙烨扮演的脚色死亡后,她的老公(托宾·贝尔 TobinBell 饰)强迫这群人打德律风给他已过世的妻子。他们播打德律风,并且德律风另一头有人接起,一场青少年的恶作剧敏捷转变成一场可骇的噩梦。这四名好同伙堕进了地狱通话的世界。
  • 在怙恃过世后,Lucas(奥古斯特马图洛饰)是由酒鬼哥哥Tom(迈克尔C曼宁饰)一手养大的。Lucas被同侪霸凌,因此他和树林中的怪物成了同伙,发展出了危险的关系。莉比贝拉(LibeBarer)扮演Anna,一位来自外地的女孩,她和Tom交往,并对Lucas很是关切。丹艾迪亚(Dan Hedaya)扮演警长,他曾和Tom与Lucas已过世的妈妈有过一段情,以是感觉…
  • A group of young men dare a classmate to reach the porch of a legendary old house, said to be haunted by the thirteen victims of a family massacre. In hopes of making a viral video they arm him with a video camera to prove he was there or to capture him fleeing in terror before even reaching the house, as others have. …