搜索 Baltz

  • 雅各布·金(史蒂文·西格 Steven Seagal 饰)是美国孟菲斯市的一位捕快,在他10岁生日那天,双胞胎兄弟丹尼尔被人残忍殛毙,这件事在他的心中留下难以磨灭的暗影,也许也间接影响到雅各布的办案气概。他坦直卤莽,时常采用暴力手段对待嫌疑犯。虽破案无数,却也备受警署内外的苛责。不久,一系列杀人案接踵产生,死者身上无一例外都被留下神秘…
  • 和大大都医学院毕业生一样,David Tracey停整理能间接进进实习期,获取行医执照,并开端了偿他的巨额学生贷款。可是,当他的医院职位下降的时辰,大卫拟定了一项计划来开端他的事情。
  • Like most med school grads, David Tracey expected to roll straight into a residency, earn his license to practice medicine and begin paying off his massive student loans. But when his hospital position falls through, David devises a scheme to start offering free psychotherapy - out of his parents' garage. Now, all he n…
  • 雅各布·金(史蒂文·西格 Steven Seagal 饰)是美国孟菲斯市的一名探员,在他10岁生日那天,双胞胎兄弟丹尼尔被人残忍杀害,这件事在他的心中留下难以磨灭的阴影,或许也间接影响到雅各布的办案风格。他直爽粗暴,经常采取暴力手段对待嫌疑犯。虽破案无数,却也备受警署内外的苛责。不久,一系列杀人案相继发生,死者身上无一例外都被留下神秘…
  • Like most med school grads, David Tracey expected to roll straight into a residency, earn his license to practice medicine and begin paying off his massive student loans. But when his hospital position falls through, David devises a scheme to start offering free psychotherapy - out of his parents" garage. Now, all…
  • 金是美国孟菲斯市的一名探员,在他生日那天,双胞胎兄弟丹尼尔被人残忍杀害,这件事在他心中留下难以磨灭的阴影,也间接影响雅各布的办案风格。他直爽粗暴,经常采取暴力手段对待嫌疑犯。虽破案无数,却也备受警署苛责。一系列杀人案相继发生,死者身上无一例外都被留下神秘的占星符号。在调查期间,金更卷入一系列的麻烦,甚至被诬为连环杀手。…