搜索 Jhey

  • 超等太阳风暴致使的地动及火山喷发,引发了科学家梅雷迪思的关注。她对此很是担心,并确信近期不竭产生的地壳活动,是扑灭性多难害到临前的前兆。情况危急,得不到同事承认的梅雷迪思决心将情况上报给市当局,停整理当局正视并对全人类做出警示。然而多难害的到来比梅雷迪思预料的更快,合法她到达市政厅,表明来意欲面见市长之际,海啸、地动、…
  • 当一个污名昭着的地动学家发出警号,一场12.7级的地动行将来姑且,没有人把她的话当真。如今,在她的城市,她必需在大陆分手之前,将本人的家人带往安然的地方。
  • Appoy is a school kid with a creative mind who couldn"t cope up with the formal system. All the while he got attention through his art. When he was forced to the edge of the system he begin to lose his identity. Later he is pushed into a loser category. At one point he begins to get attention when he started to pe…