搜索 MaxMauff

  • 汉娜(卡罗利妮·舒赫 Karoline Schuch 饰)是一位正在攻读企业治理专业的大学生,在毕业之前,她决定千里迢迢前往以色列实习,她坚信如许一段并不放松的实习履历将会给她的小我简历添上浓墨重彩的一笔。在以色列当地的一所专门赐顾帮衬残障人士的机构里,汉娜相逢了名为伊泰(Doron Amit 饰)的以色列男人,偶合的是,伊泰一向停整理有朝一日可…
  • German family Schroeder is spending their Christmas holidays on the Thai island, Phuket. Of all the things, deep within the sleazy tourist bars and alleys of Patong, the youngest son Felix falls in love with a gorgeous Thai girl Fai who in return appears to mutually attracted to him. Fai holds a special secret. Followi…