搜索 Plummer

  • 《美国鼠谭》(An American Tail)又译为《老鼠也移平易近》,是1986年由美国举世影业公司建造刊行的动画喜剧影戏作品。影片描写的是关于老鼠家庭移弗平易近荒的故事。老鼠Fievel,在从沙皇俄国移平易近到美国的途中跟家人掉散,因此它开端冗长的伶仃旅程,为了寻觅家人而四处闯荡,在纽约遭受层见叠出的趣事和应战。经由各种磨难,成果成为当地…
  • 故事产生在第二次世界大战时代,美国飞翔员大卫(哈里森·福特 Harrison Ford 饰)被派往英国伦敦驻守,在战乱中,大卫相逢了名为玛格丽特(莱斯利-安·唐恩 Lesley-Anne Down 饰)英国护士,艳丽又温柔的玛格丽特一会儿就俘获了大卫的心,固然玛格丽特已经有了本人的家庭和孩子,但这并没有成为他们两人继续交往的阻碍。  玛格丽特的丈夫保罗…
  • The Girl Before tells the story of Jane (Gugu Mbatha-Raw), who gets the chance to move into a beautiful, ultra-minimalist house designed by an enigmatic architect (David Oyelowo). There’s just one catch: occupants have to abide by his list of exacting rules. Jane starts to feel the house changing her in unexpected ways…
  • Joe Beck has lost the love of his life thanks to a Pixie"s Curse and he now needs to figure out how to get his girl back, learn more about the mysterious Pixies and undo a bad deed he did long ago.
  • Joe Beck has lost the love of his life thanks to a Pixie's Curse and he now needs to figure out how to get his girl back, learn more about the mysterious Pixies and undo a bad deed he did long ago.</span>
  • 一个孤独的牧羊人凭着一己之力和数十年的时间,在荒漠中种出了大片的树林,把土丘变成了绿洲。《种树的牧羊人》是Frédéric BACK先生1987年出品的一部代表作品,动画的剧本改变自法国作家Jean Giono在1953年出版的同名小说。整部动画片充满了诗意的叙述。与其说这是一个动画片,不如说它是一个精致的散文。淡泊而又意味深长,风格简约而又意味…