搜索 Ramadan

  • 萨米以为毕竟找到了属于本人的生存,但没想到村子忽然被一堵不祥的围墙围困。他被迫措置本人的身份和国家回属问题。一部内外交困的悲喜剧:一小我在其心里筑起一道墙,而当另一堵更真实的墙在他降生的村子外建造起来时,他心里的这堵墙开端崩溃……
  • 德国男星肯·杜肯自导自演的惊悚片处女作,精力创伤的精英兵士在前往柏林探看女儿的途中搭载了一位面善的拦车者,却没推测后者正酝酿着一起柏林可骇攻击。陪同屡次视角转换和对善恶问题的拷问,在慢慢揭开极真个熟悉外形深渊的同时,两名主角最终将故事引向不测终局。
  • (Khaled Degwy) who are enrolled in one of the terrorist groups that the killings, believing they are fighting for the sake of God, and when his brother (Ahmad) tries to join this group (Khaled) refuses, he is trying to stop him, but he joins, and one day arise a dispute between (Ahmad) and one of the members of this co…