搜索 Samy

  • 萨伊德在丛林深处拥有一家锯木厂,为了给他 18 岁的女儿莎拉一个更好的将来,他决定卖掉这家锯木厂。但他却不知道,他的一位学徒被兄弟逼得走投无路,被迫在工厂里躲了大批的可卡因。  当毒品所属的帮派出现时,萨伊德很趁心想到这些狠脚色极尴尬缠。尽管寡不敌众,但他对本人工厂的体会无人能及。为了珍爱莎拉,萨伊德被迫反击,把锯木厂变成…
  • After a breakup, an influencer takes her friends on a free trip to Bahia's vibrant Carnival, where she learns life's not just about social media likes.
  • 因为不明人士的神秘举动,一个村子产生了神秘的死亡事务。整个镇子的人们都很害怕,在他们寻觅祸首祸首的进程傍边,问题还在继续。
  • Every year, 310 killings in France go unsolved, leaving the victims' crushed families in a state of endless grief. The French judicial system is implacable there's no money to continue investigating cases that lead nowhere. Hunting down murderers to help bereaved families get justice is more than just a job, it's a dut…
  • The movie follows the story of a PASKAU team led by Captain Adib and his mentor, Major Adnan, tasked with protecting humanitarians serving in war torn country, Namburi. On their return home, their plane gets unexpectedly shot down by local militants. Nine of the passengers managed to make their jump before the plane cr…
  • The movie is comprised of six inter-related stories that tell of the frantic days leading up to the most important election ever in Malaysia. It follows the lives of everyday people, who come together for their common love their country. Each of the stories told shows the meaning of being a true Malaysian.
  • 故事产生在巴黎阿拉伯人和犹太人聚居区,那边有许多倡寮。上了年数、体弱多病的犹太妇女罗莎,负责赐顾帮衬一群妓女所生的孩子,而她本人曩昔也曾当过妓女,并在纳粹集中营度过一段可骇的时光。影片重要暗示罗莎夫人与她所赐顾帮衬的一个阿拉伯男孩使人感动的关系。
  • 埃及清冷的一家四口,为了帮四岁儿子庆生,爸爸办了一个生日派对,约请部下亲友前来同欢,还有魔术师表演馀兴节目。爸爸躺进魔术师的大空箱,只见公鸡被请出来,还以为魔术精美又神奇,爸爸却从此磨灭落影,只能把公鸡当父亲。一贯唾面自干的母亲如今不可不驱驰四方,为了家庭生计,还要想尽法子让公鸡丈夫“出家”。  一出精心计划、布满玄色…
  • 在印度私立黉舍大举虹吸优异教师资本致使穷户没有机遇接收教导时,年轻的助教为穷户的子女们指了然生存的方向。
  • 野心勃勃的金融才子不顾一切地想要成为创业明星,因此通过假话、做弊和圈套,让本人色厉内荏的公司走向成功。